What is Northbeam's Model Comparison tool?

Compare two attribution models to uncover and identify new optimization opportunities

The Model Comparison tool allows you to compare different attribution models to understand and identify deltas.

Where is the Model Comparison Tool on my Northbeam dashboard?

  1. Login to your Northbeam dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the hamburger menu on the top right of your dashboard.
  3. Click and select Model Comparison

What are the benefits of using the Model Comparison tool?

  • You can change the date range and how you group it down – i.e. look at diff platforms and see how they change
  • You are looking at the change for revenue and  transactions for the attribution model that you choose 
  • Get a better understanding of how models work and operate and which model you prefer looking at as the source of truth.

Learn more about our Model Comparison tool here: