How can I use MMM+ with MTA?

MMM+ utilizes machine learning to compare the effectiveness of various marketing channels and enables businesses to make informed decisions when allocating their budget.

Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) allows you to determine which channel was responsible for a conversion and track all the different touchpoints or ad impressions that led to that conversion. You can analyze these impressions at the beginning or end of the customer journey.

From there, MMM+ assesses the impact of advertising expenditure on outcomes like revenue. So, if your goal is to optimize revenue, you can use MTA to examine individual channels and how they contributed to a conversion. However, MTA doesn't consider the influence of other channels on that particular channel.

MMM addresses questions like, "what is the impact of Facebook advertising when we have also invested in Google Search?" MMM incorporates all offline and online marketing channels or any other channels you believe contribute to sales. By observing your historical daily spend and sales, we utilize machine learning to establish correlations and understand how these channels work together to influence your revenue outcome.