Understanding Northbeam Technology

Device Graph

Our Device Graph is instrumental in gathering ongoing data from many different data sources, ensuring comprehensive customer journey insights. This data is categorized, organized, and validated, offering a holistic view of each customer's journey while tracking distinctions between new and returning visitors. The New Visit % metric plays a pivotal role in assessing your campaign's effectiveness in attracting new customers, providing valuable insights into your targeting strategies.

Understanding the New Customer % is crucial for gauging the overall well-being of your business. A decline in new visits may indicate that your creative content is becoming less effective or that certain promotional strategies are underperforming. It also offers insights into your customer base growth. To analyze this, you can cross-reference new visits with specific campaigns in the Sales table or compare trend lines on the sales chart against total visits. This enables you to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts versus organic traffic and track any spikes in correlation with sales periods, ensuring your promotions are performing optimally.


Advertising and Store API’s - How they produce high quality data that is actionable.

Northbeam leverages a powerful combination of our Server API and native integrations with leading advertising platforms, providing us with a rich and diverse dataset. This data serves as the foundation for our in-depth insights into your customer journey, the distinction between new and returning customers, and a wide range of metrics extracted directly from the platforms. These metrics are then further enhanced and aggregated using our native attribution models, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate understanding of your marketing performance.

  • When we integrate your transaction data via our API, we segment the data into two distinct categories: New and Returning Customers. This segmentation empowers you to determine whether your specific platforms are effectively targeting first-time customers or those who have engaged with your business before. Northbeam's data provides precise and reliable tracking of new and returning customers through this API connection. This capability enables you to construct marketing funnels that are strategically designed to attract net new customers, enhancing your customer acquisition strategies.
  • There are several valuable metrics to consider when distinguishing between new and returning customers. If your primary objective is to target new customers effectively, here are some key metrics to focus on:

    1. ECR (Conversion Rate) on 1st Time Customers: This metric measures how successful your campaigns are at converting first-time visitors into customers. A higher ECR indicates efficient targeting and compelling content for new prospects.

    2. CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) to ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) on 1st Time Customers: Evaluating the cost of acquiring a new customer against the revenue generated from them helps determine the efficiency of your advertising spend in attracting new clientele.

    3. New Visits: Tracking the volume of new visits provides insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts in driving fresh traffic to your website.

    4. New Visit %: This metric measures the proportion of new visitors compared to total visitors. A high New Visit % suggests that your marketing campaigns are successful in attracting a new audience.

    5. Conversion Rate Measurement: Monitoring the conversion rates for new customers provides a crucial gut check on the overall performance of your targeting strategies, creative content, and the effectiveness of product detail pages and landing pages in converting new prospects.

    By focusing on these metrics, you can fine-tune your marketing strategies to effectively reach and engage new customers, ultimately driving growth and expanding your customer base.