What can I achieve with Northbeam MMM+?

If you’re a CMO or VP of Marketing, you’re probably looking for a solution to optimize your marketing strategy to improve business outcomes.

MMM+ is a solution for modern brands that want to limit wasted media spend, take the guesswork out, and adapt to rapidly evolving consumer behaviors and marketing ecosystem. 

Northbeam’s MMM+ helps brands operationalize and better understand:

  • Channel Efficiency Insights

Uncover intricate patterns and dependencies between different marketing channels, optimize channel mix, and reduce inefficiencies caused by conflicting or redundant marketing efforts, resulting in more accurate and actionable insights for you to improve channel efficiency and drive better business outcomes.

  • Scenario Planning

Simulate various scenarios to understand how changes in marketing strategies or budget allocations may impact overall business performance. You can make informed decisions, optimize your marketing tactics, and proactively adapt strategies to drive desired business results while minimizing risks and uncertainties. 

  • Forecast Business Results

Achieve confident forecasts by adapting to changing market conditions and capturing intricate nonlinear interactions. This improved reliability provides valuable insights for effective planning, budget allocation, and goal setting.