What can I expect from Northbeam MMM+ outputs?

MMM+ can inform the decision-making process, identify channel interactions, and advise budget allocation for better business outcomes.

Our solution and offering are designed to provide a scalable approach that empowers businesses to unlock the full potential of their marketing efforts. 

  • Your MMM Model delivered with trust-building diagnostics
  • Budget Scenarios are data-driven recommendations to optimize resource allocation and maximize the impact of marketing expenditure and identify underperforming channels and areas of opportunity 
  • Cost Curves, Channel Interactions, Adstock to forecast and scenario plan as well as quantify the impact of marketing spend
  • Guided Data Reviews provide an opportunity to collaborate with your dedicated Customer Success Manager and Data Scientist. By working together, we help you adapt marketing strategies to align with market dynamics and stay ahead of trends, ensuring that you meet the evolving needs of consumers. This collaborative approach harnesses the power of data and expertise to drive tangible results, empowering your business to make data-driven decisions and achieve marketing success.