What is the Customer LTV page?

LTV predicts the net profit of an ongoing relationship between you and a customer and can help you set the correct marketing budget to pursue the most influential users.

Customer lifetime value, or abbreviated as LTV, is an important metric. It predicts the net profit of an ongoing relationship between you and a customer and can help you set the correct marketing budget to pursue the most influential users. Northbeam’s LTV tab provides backflow data capturing your orders.

The 7 Views of Northbeam's LTV Page

There are multiple angles to capturing the complete picture of your LTV, and Northbeam makes sure to capture all perspectives. In each of the views, Northbeam captures the number of customers brought in, the customers' revenue and value at present and over time, and the average order growth. 

  • Month First Acquired: This page provides a chronological month-over-month comparison and identifies high-performing or underperforming months and which campaigns occurred each month. 
  • Week First Acquired: This page provides a breakout week-by-week basis.
  • Country (Shipping Address of First Order): This page breaks out the LTV geographically and helps provide accurate insights into geographical marketing initiatives and their rate of return.
  • Region (Shipping Address of First Order): This page breaks out the LTV based on the area and provides the corresponding marketing activities in each region
  • First Order (Product + Variant): This tab breaks out the first order of the average customer and the percentage of customers that complete repeat purchase orders over the next year. For example, we can see the average customer who purchases Item A and how often and when they buy Item B and Item C. 
  • First Order (Product): This tab is similar to the First Order (Product + Variant) tab but helps identify the specific order of purchase.
  • First Order Discount Code: This page breaks out your discount codes and the lifetime value of customers based on the discount codes.

Learn more about our LTV page below: