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What Snapchat reported metrics are available?

Platform reported metrics come directly from marketing channels enabling you to see in-platform performance metrics without your dashboard

Field Description
Snapchat Attachment Total View Time Millis
The total number of seconds spent viewing your attachment across all swipe ups
Snapchat CAC Spend / Transactions
Snapchat Earned Impressions The total number of times a Snapchatter created an impression for your ad when it was not served to them
Snapchat Paid Impressions The total number of times your ad was served to a Snapchatter. Tracked when the ad fully renders on a device for the first time during a Snapchatter’s viewing session.
Snapchat Profile Clicks The total number of taps on your Public Profile from your ads
Snapchat Revenue The total value of purchases made in your app or website
Snapchat ROAS Snapchat reported return on ad spend, this is calculated by taking the total revenue reported by Snapchat and dividing by spend
Snapchat Swipes The total number of times a Snapchatter has swiped up on attachments within your Story Ad (aggregated across all attachments)
Snapchat Swipes Rate The rate at which Snapchatters swiped up on swipe-able videos or images within your story ad to reveal the attachment below (averaged across all attachments)
Snapchat Thumbstop Rate 2 second video views / Total video views
Snapchat Total Impressions The total number of times your ad was served to a Snapchatter - the total of paid and earned impressions
Snapchat Transactions The total number of purchases made in your app or website
Snapchat Video p25 Watched Number of times your Top Snap was viewed to 25% or swiped by a user. This metric is accredited by the Media Rating Council for some ad formats.
Snapchat Video p50 Watched Number of times your Top Snap was viewed to 50% or swiped by a user. This metric is accredited by the Media Rating Council for some ad formats.
Snapchat Video p75 Watched Number of times your Top Snap was viewed to 75% or swiped by a user. This metric is accredited by the Media Rating Council for some ad formats.
Snapchat Video Views The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap
Snapchat Video Views 15s 15 Second Video Views: The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 15 seconds, or 97% completion if it's shorter than 15 seconds, or a swipe up action on the ad (15 Second Video Views are not supported in the Delivery Insight Export)
Snapchat Video Views Time Based The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds, not including swipe ups
Snapchat View Completion Number of times your Top Snap was viewed to 97% or swiped by a user. This metric is accredited by the Media Rating Council for some ad formats