Order and Revenue Data Discrepancies

Understand Northbeam's Multi-Touch Attribution vs. In-Platform Metrics to uncover why discrepancies in campaign metrics are expected.

If there are discrepancies between in-platform and Northbeam in regards to a specific campaign or channel, this is expected.

📚 EXAMPLE: An example in the dashboard might be, Facebook is reporting a 2.4 ROAS, but Northbeam is reporting a 0.8 ROAS. 

Northbeam's credit weighting method differs from platform-reported metrics because Northbeam's modeling differs from platform-reported modeling. Northbeam MTA divides credit among touchpoints, while platform-reported modeling usually favors that last touchpoint (also known as last-touch). Read more about the differences between platform-reported and Northbeam reporting.


If you believe there is an issue, please refer to the 5 tracking principles and check the common scenarios listed below.

Accounting Mode

To compare Northbeam to your eCommerce data, make sure to use the Cash Snapshot accounting mode. The Cash Snapshot mode attributes orders and revenue to when the order was placed.

Keep in mind, Northbeam's Sales Page is set to the Accrual mode by default. Accrual attributes orders and revenue to when the marketing touchpoints took place, rather than when the actual order was placed. Learn more about the difference between Cash and Accrual accounting modes.

Revenue Calculation

Our revenue calculation is oftentimes different from other platforms, especially Shopify.

  • Northbeam: Gross Sales + Shipping + Taxes - Discounts 
  • Shopify Dashboard: Gross Sales + Shipping + Taxes - Discounts - Refunds

Northbeam does not deduct refunds – as this is a common cause of a discrepancy. 

Please reach out to our Customer Success team by using this form to submit an inquiry if you'd like to make the following adjustments to your revenue calculation. All adjustments will be reflected across the Sales and Overview pages in your Northbeam dashboard:

  • Deduct Shipping
  • Deduct Taxes
  • Deduct Refunds